Dedicated to the published work of Harrison Marks and iconic model June Palmer, along with the most popular models of the 1950's, 60's and early 1970's. Warning! This site is not intending to be pornographic, but more an archive and information resource of vintage adult magazines and images from the past. However, some of the content is of an adult nature and contains nudity in the shape of the female form, so if you are under 18 years old or easily offended, then please don't go any further.
Another scan of an original Kamera Magazine, this time Erica on the cover of Kamera No.21 (1959) She appears to be on the bedroom set with that floral wallpaper again and a signed Eve Eden print in the background.
Marie Davis (AKA Ronnie Caldwell AKA Karyn Keith) posing for Russell Gay with the infamous checked background used on many of his QT covers! A similar shot to this of Marie also appears on the cover of QT No.37. I’m afraid these pumpkins are as near as you’ll get to a Halloween post from me 🙂
Two shots of Tina Madison posing on a single bed in blackcorset, stockings and panties! It looks to be the same bed and set as this shot of her posing with Pat Ebdon and these along with several other shots were republished in the 1950’s Glamour book. Photographer unknown, but likely to be Russell Gay or on of his team.
A double page spread of Erica from Kamera No.21 (1959) giving us a double view of Erica in the reflection of the mirror. Restored the best I could, but still a slight curve of the mirror due to page crease.
And that’s just the orange! Another early Hanna Viek shot where she is giving one boob a squeeze as she sits outside on a patio! I’m not quite sure why the orange is there but gave me the title of the post.