Dedicated to the published work of Harrison Marks & other prominent UK & US photographers, along with popular glamour models such as June Palmer, Dawn Grayson and others of the 1950's, 60's and early 70's. Warning! This site is not intending to be pornographic, but more an archive and information resource of vintage glamour magazines and images from the past. However, some of the content is of an adult nature and contains nudity in the shape of the female form, so if you are under 18 years old or easily offended, then please don't go any further.
Princess Sonmar Harriks (Pamela Green) from Kamera No.37 P30 (1961) posing nude in the barn. This is the third shot from this set that appeared in Kamera No.37 and all are stunning shots of Ms Green posing as the Princess in the barn.
A pouting pose from behind a barn ladder from Princess Sonmar Harricks (Pamela Green). Another impeccable shot of Pam from the pages of Kamera No.37 (1961).
Pamela Green with short dark hair looking more tanned than usual or slightly ‘blacked up’ for this shot. Taken from an original Harrison Marks silver gelatin photo this set features Pam nude with hooped earrings and posing with what looks like a glass orb or ball. Although this shot itself didn’t appear, others from the same set were published in the hardback book ‘Pamela – A Portrait in 58 Studies’ by Harrison Marks in 1955.
Princess Sonmar Harriks (Pamela Green) posing in the hay barn from Kamera No.37 (1961) with a very strategically placed thumb! The pubic region may look retouched, but it’s known she shaved to reduce the retouching, so the thumb is very well placed or GHM got the angle of the shot spot on!
A beautiful side profile shot of Princess Sonmar H’Arricks (Pamela Green) from the pages of Kamera No.17 (1959). God knows how long it took her to ‘black up’ for these shots, I only hope she shot loads of sets in one session to make it worth while!