The Gypsy Princess (Original)

A scan of the original negative of Princess Sonmar H’Arricks (Pamela Green) posing on the ‘Gypsy Set’ that appeared in the pages of Kamera No.40 (1962). I haven’t published a PSH image for a while, so about time I did and I love this shot and the clarity compared to the same image from Kamera No.40 that I posted here back in 2014. Beautiful shot of Pam as PSH and thanks as always to Simon for sending over this original from his Pam archives 🙂


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice.


Marie’s Magnificent Mounds! (Original)

A beautifully restored colour shot of Marie Deveraux laying back with her arms above her head showing off her magnificent mounds! Scanned and sent over by Kevin from an original Pamar colour slide.


Princess Sonmar Harriks – Beauty In The Barn

Princess Sonmar Harriks (Pamela Green) posing in the hay barn from Kamera No.37 (1961) with a very strategically placed thumb! The pubic region may look retouched, but it’s known she shaved to reduce the retouching, so the thumb is very well placed or GHM got the angle of the shot spot on!

The Gypsy Girl

Princess Sonmar H’Arricks (Pamela Green) posing on the ‘Gypsy Set’ from the pages of Kamera No.40 (1962). I haven’t published a PSH image for a while, so about time I did and I love this shot. Covering your body from head to foot with black boot polish must have been a nightmare, but as with everything Pamela put her hand to it was done very well. It must have been a bugger to scrub off afterwards, but I’m sure she would have got plenty of offers of help 🙂