Fanni’s Fanny (Original)

The second shot of Franni Leigh (not her real name!) by Terry Sparks taken in 1972 for Club International by Paul Raymond. This shot is very progressive for it’s time, as it shows that things were becoming more ‘open’ in the 1970’s.  Not only were shots becoming less subtle, they were also less censored with full on pubic hair shots that even showed the labia, such as above. I’m not saying shots like this weren’t taken before, but now they were being published with more on show and less imagination needed!

Thanks to Terry for this very colourful and open shot!


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

Franni Leigh Having a Feel! (Original)

Another different model this morning from Terry and this is Franni Leigh (not her real name!).  According to Terry she was originally a successful fashion model and this was one of the few times she did nude modelling. This shot and another I have were taken in 1972, with similar shots by Terry used in Club International by Paul Raymond.  Franni appeared across several pages of the 4th edition of Club International in April 1972, including a double page spread (boom boom!) as centrefold of the month. Unfortunately Terry only sent me the 3 shots he has remaining, but you can see the full set of images that appeared in Club on the blog ‘Venus Observations‘, which also gives a nod to Terry as the photographer. The fact that this was the early 1970’s and a Paul Raymond publication means we start to see a lot more of Franni than normal, including pubic hair and more, which you will see in a further shot to come!

As I’d not come across Franni before, so I did a search and found that there is very little of her out there on the web, but she did appear on the cover and inside pages of Parade (14th & 21st October, 1972).  Those pictures show Franni posing on a beach and I believe those were also taken by Terry down at Pegwell Bay in Kent, as the third shot I have is of her posing in the sea at that location. So were they taken at the same time as those of Bobby Sparrow ?

Thanks to Terry for again sharing this fabulous shot of Franni and to Venus Observations for publishing the full article of her in Club International.


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.