A silver gelatin print from a glass photographic plate of Lee Sothern (Grace Jackson) taken poolside at Sheplegh Court, South Devon in 1963 . Research has shown that Sheplegh Court was another naturist resort based around a large manor house and similar to that of Spielplatz Naturist Club, but down in the warmer climates of Devon and was running up until the late 1980’s.
A wonderful shot of Lee with long hair (extensions?) and her tanned body, who was 27 years old at the time this was taken. Unknown photographer, but I’ve seen similar shots of Lee like this that have appeared in H&E magazine, which would make sense with the location. I have several others of Lee at Sheplegh Court, as well as others of her at Spielplatz, so she was obviously doing the rounds at the naturist clubs in the early 1960’s. Also another variation of her name spelling as well, as they did back then 🙂