Maria Hale – A Perfectly Pert Pose (1958)
June Russell – Kamera No.16 Cover (1959)
Dazzling Della Fox (Original)
June The Bookworm, Part 2
The second shot from a set of 11 images of June posing in a black negligee with a bookshelf and set of Encyclopedia Britannica’s in the background, not that the Encyclopedia’s are the main focus of interest here! June looks as glorious as ever and in her prime in this set, with more shots coming shortly.
Bobby Sparrow – Bird With a Bush! (Original)
Kathleen Cooper – Windmill Girl Uncovered (1958)
I published the above image of an unknown model from Kamera Special No.2 (1958) last year on a page on unknown models, but had no idea who she was! Thanks to Jeff she’s now been identified as the model known as Kathleen Cooper, who appeared in the pages of Span Magazine No.43 (March 1958). I’ve published a couple of pages from Span, but I think you’ll agree it’s one and the same person, although showing off a lot more for GHM!
Thanks to Jeff for sending the identification through and the Vintage Fetish site for the images.
Down in the Dungeon with June (Original)
The fifth shot of June from the set of 8 original Harrison Marks glamour slides (Set No.60). This negative took more restoring due to a heavy green/magenta tinge to it than the others, but it came up OK. A great shot of June standing nude in the infamous dungeon set with her hands crossed in front of her for modesty! I recently purchased the 1963/64 Kamera Special ‘The Fabulous June Palmer’ by Harrison Marks and on the inside cover is an advert (below) for slide sets of June by GHM, including set No.60, which is described as a mixed studies set, but also dates the set.