Yak from the Pamela Green website sent me over this invite to the launch party of the book ‘Doing Rude Things’, which is being republished for it’s 25th anniversary. The forward was written by the great Pamela Green herself and the official press release is below.
Doing Rude Things: The History of the British Sex Film was first published in 1992. It was the first serious study of British soft porn, and it was highly influential. It was made into a TV documentary by the BBC in 1995 and has led to numerous film seasons, video releases, books and blogs that have continued to the present day. The 25th-anniversary edition is vastly expanded and updated with new chapters, design and illustrations. It brings the story of British prudishness and censorship bang up to date.
It’s a shame I can’t make the launch myself to meet David McGillivray the author and get a signed copy, but I’m already otherwise engaged on that evening! If anyone else is interested the details are in the invite above or there is a Facebook events page here. Another book to add to my growing list of glamour related reads 🙂