It’s been ages since I’ve posted a Ann Walker image, so I thought I’d rectify that now with an original image of her from one of my own negatives. Taken in the studio by Harrison Marks this shot gives us a great view of Ann’s figure as she kneels smiling to something off camera right. Plus we get a full on view of more than one smile, that would never have got past the censors of the time, but thankfully we get to see Ann in all her shaven glory here 🙂
Coincidentally I’ve just received Kamera No.44 in the post today and this very image appears on page 42, but reversed. This also puts the date of the shot at around 1961 and I’ll publish the version from the magazine as soon as I’ve scanned i.
Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.