June Palmer – Sheer Delight (Original)

The second set of images from the same shoot as the ‘June of the Jungle’ set I started yesterday. This set has June in the studio but posing in a long sheer negligee sat on a stool. As well as June the sheepskin rug continues to star in these shots, but as the set progresses the negligee stars less and less 🙂


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

June Palmer – June of the Jungle! (Original)

I had a great surprise in the post today in the form of a disc full of new June images from John W, which are split down into two distinct sets, this being the start of the first. This set of 35mm negatives shows June posing in the studio in a jungle type leopard skin outfit on the familiar sheepskin rug.  I’d put this set as taken in the 1970’s, but I’ve seen similar shots of a younger June in the same outfit, like this shot. I think I’ve mis-dated the earlier shot as it’s probably 1960’s, with this shot being later, but I’m bad at guessing dates 🙂

Either way a great shot of June in the outfit and I’ve aptly named the set ‘June of the Jungle’. Another new set from the same shoot coming shortly.


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

Margaret The Tree Hugger!

Continuing the theme from this set, another shot of Margaret Nolan on location wedged naked between a couple of large tree trunks!  Taken at a different time to the others, this shot appears to be on location down in Cornwall and appeared in the hardback publication ‘She Walks in Beauty’ P126 (1964).  The weir/waterfall in the background also appear in various shots taken for Kamera on Location 1966, so obviously a favourite spot for GHM.


June Palmer – Miss TV Times Entry (1959)

This isn’t actually a new image of June as I published this image back in July 2013, but this is a much better quality image and comes from a new source that also provided some background to the shot. Another John (I’ll call him JAS!) and another huge fan of June that has his own enviable collection of June memorabilia. JAS has acquired his collection over the years from different sources, including June herself and also had the good fortune to have met and photographed June as well.

This particular shot was taken and submitted for the 1959 Miss TV Times competition and according to JAS the entry form signed by June is glued to the back of this image. I loved this shot when I first published it, but it’s even better when you have the background to a shot.  For completeness I’ve asked if JAS will scan the back so we can see the entry form, so hopefully I’ll be able to add that in due course.

A big thank you to JAS for sending this through along with the background and I look forward to seeing more of his June collection 🙂

Update: Thanks to JAS I’ve now included the hand written entry form from the back of the image below.

Another Model Revealed!

Last Friday I published this shot of a model with trimmed tan-lines and said I hadn’t got a clue who the model was? Well not only has Terry provided the models name and image above, but reminded me that she also appeared in this earlier shot sent through by Terry. The model is of course April Dawson and the above contact sheet style images come from the inside cover of Fiesta Vol.2 No.1 (March 1968).

Thanks to Terry for jogging my memory and I’ll update the unknown model lists now I know who she is, again!

June Palmer – Red Reveal (Original)

Wow! A great shot of June wearing a blonde wig in a very kinky red PVC underwear set! I’ve seen other shots from this set, but this is the first decent shot I’ve managed to get my hands on, which is a shame as I love it! I love the PVC underwear, the low cut bra with June’s tits popping out above it and then a hint of pussy below the PVC suspender belt.  The pink background works well with the contrast of the red underwear.  I’m on the look out for other shots from this set, if anyone knows of some?