Site Update

Just an update on some of the changes to the site since it moved:

  1. I have a new gallery creator and I’ve added a number of new galleries to the gallery page, with more coming – Ann Austin & Angela Duncan added.
  2. New GHM Publications page – Gallery listing of other Harrison Marks publications, with links through to posted images from those publications – Still on-going with a few links working.
  3. Model listing – Updating with new galleries to make it easier to manage and add new models, includes the unknown model page.
  4. Members now see larger images on all posts
  5. Members downloads – I’ve offered a few images for downloads, but experimental to see if this is something people would want?

I’m also working on the following:

  1. A film section of GHM’s films that will provide details of his films and possibly viewable versions.
  2. Updating the ‘other’ vintage magazines page similar to the other galleries.
  3. Updating the Kamera & Solo listings in the new gallery style.

All this as well as continuing to post the fantastic content I have and receive from various sources. If you have any feedback or improvement suggestions then please do leave me feedback.



Jackie Parker – Spanish Beauty

Jackie Parker posing surrounded by Spanish vacation posters and in typical Spanish headdress and not much else! Unknown photographer but the image appears in the 1960’s Glamour book claiming to publish models from the Knave and Fiesta archive.

June Palmer – Roman Bath Time! (1964)

Another shot of June on the Roman set posing in the bath from the Kamera Special ‘The Fabulous June Palmer‘ (1964).  This shot gives us more of a profile shot of June’s naked body including her magnificent bum.

Fanni’s Fanny (Original)

The second shot of Franni Leigh (not her real name!) by Terry Sparks taken in 1972 for Club International by Paul Raymond. This shot is very progressive for it’s time, as it shows that things were becoming more ‘open’ in the 1970’s.  Not only were shots becoming less subtle, they were also less censored with full on pubic hair shots that even showed the labia, such as above. I’m not saying shots like this weren’t taken before, but now they were being published with more on show and less imagination needed!

Thanks to Terry for this very colourful and open shot!


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

June Palmer – Driving You Close to Drink! (Original)

Another original from JAS of June, this time posing in a bikini/frilly underwear set as she bends over the back of a vintage car. I’d not seen this shot or any others from the same set, so a new one to me, but another shot to add to the ‘June & Cars‘ set. Interestingly it looks to have been taken in someone’s back garden as you can see a swimming pool in the background, but the car does look rather close to that pool!

Thanks to JAS for sharing this great June shot.

June Palmer – A Walk on th Wild Side!

Two more shots of June appearing in Connoisseurs Choice & Modelling Review from the 1950’s. This time a naked June out and about in the sun from CC & MR Vol.4 No.7. I love the top shot of her waving behind as she wanders down some country lane stark naked and giving us an excellent view of her curves and that nice round arse!