June Palmer – Seams That Go All The Way Up! (Original)

Another different view of June, but a more conventional view of her from the 1960’s in seamed fishnets, high heels and black lacy underwear from behind. No nakedness, but still a great studio shot of June and love the shadow of June and the lighting on the screen behind.


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

June Palmer – A Most Unusual View! (Original)

A very unusual set of photo’s of June now, which come from an amateur photographer that shot June over a period during the 1970’s at Strobe studios, ranging from normal glamour poses to this set! These shots show off June’s body close up as well as being covered in oil. We also see her squeezing her tits and get a magnificent view of her pussy! What I’m not sure about is why we don’t see her face? Was this a request from June herself for some reason, or the artistic choice of the photographer? I have 12 shots from this set and some are real close-ups of June’s anatomy, but the focus isn’t that good, but then my hands would probably be shaking as well 😉

I’m sure you will agree a very different set of photo’s of June, but I particularly like the middle two shots, just a shame I have none showing her face. I also assume this may have been part of a group shoot, so does anyone know of any other shots of June similar to this?


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

Life’s a Beach with Sophia Dawn & Frankie Young (1964)

Sophia Dawn and Frankie Young on a beach in Cornwall in some unusual poses (artistic?) from the hardback publication, She Walks in Beauty (1964). One of GHM’s favourite locations for outdoor work in the mid 1960’s. I do sometimes wonder how he got away with all this nakedness on the beach, but I suppose the beaches were less crowded back then, or they were up early!

Backstage Beauties – Maria Hale & Jean Spaul (1959)

Another double delight of beauties, this time Jean Spaul (Sporle) and Maria Hale from the 1959 special Kamera Backstage. Both Jean and Maria appear through-out this special, but more-so Maria both as herself (short dark hair) and predominately as Madeleine Mado (long blonde wig).

Eve Eden & Lorraine Burnett – Album Modelstudier Cover

I posted a small poorer quality version of this cover featuring Eve and Lorraine here, with other covers from this publication, but I now have a larger better quality scan to share. I always like it when you have shots of popular models posing together and here we have two of the most popular models of that time and now.

Julie Collins – A Brush With A Bush!

An uncensored shot of Julie Collins posing amongst the branches of a willow tree in the grounds of Ewhurst Walden Manor. This shot comes from Nature’s Intention Vol.1 No.2 (1969), which has the uncensored shots of images that originally appeared in Kamera and other publications. A great shot of Julie with the pond in the background and she sure did have a full magnificent bush to show off when allowed!

June Russell – See Through Strip (1950’s)

Three cheeky shots of June Russell posing and stripping out of a see through baby doll nighty, using her reflection in the mirror for added effect. I love the sheer nighty in all shots and panties in the bottom shot that’s allowing us to see just a glimpse of June beneath the panties, perfect!
Again these three shots came from R Fitzgerald and were taken by his father, who seems to have photographed several 1950/60’s models in various locations in his time, probably at a studio open to amateur photographers?