Dawn Grayson and her deliciously perky pair from the original negative of the image that originally appeared in Kamera No.70 P12 (1966). The image published was cropped much closer than this version and you can see that version here, but I much prefer my version. Not only is the clarity as sharp as it could be, but you get to see more of Dawn, plus a few more of GHM’s prints on the wall.
The original medium format negative shows slightly more of the prints above Dawn’s head, so you can guess who the models are. The left hand one is June Palmer on the lawn at Ewhurst and the other being Pamela Green as Rita Landre on the beach. I know this is a duplication of an image of Dawn already posted, but worth a revisit as it’s from the negative itself and so much clearer, plus it’s Dawn and you can’t have enough of her!