June Palmer – Hotel Room With a View! (Original)

Warning strong language ahead! Damn! F**k me that’s a good shot of June – My first reaction on seeing this image from John, closely followed by a long and detailed examination of the image. June’s great bum in those black panties and the perfect curve of the one breast on show and the look over her shoulder! Some shots just grab you and pull you in and this is one such shot of June.

Taking a look at the actual composition of the shot for a second as John states. This could be June’s hotel room, but I don’t think so. The sheepskin rug looks horribly familiar and the white telephone and pictures of vintage cars are just like those that appeared in the Spymaster’s office in “Danger Girl”. As I original state Damn! Who cares about the decor and background as I can’t take my eyes off June’s great arse it’s just pulling me in.

As a friend once commented (honest!) some images just give you more arm ache than others. Enough said!


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

Marie Deveraux – A Sandy Outlook (1958)

A very beachy view of Marie Deveraux from Kamera on Location (1958). Sitting topless in the sand dunes wearing  a sarong, blond wig and scarf. The scarf was obviously an accessory for the shoot as they all wore them and I know they were popular back then, but why wear both the wig and scarf? Anyway who cares about the scarf with that view 🙂

June’s Saucy Sofa Pose (Original)

A cheeky little look from June as she poses on the sofa in a fishnet stockings, suspenders and striped panties! She appears in a couple of shots on this same sofa in the ‘June in Suburbia’ set if your interest, probably not as too busy looking at those striped panties!

All Bubbly With Avra (1961)

I decided I needed some colour in my posts today, so what better way than with Avra Bennett from Kamera No.37 (1961). Taken by Harrison Marks and one of the two colour centre page shots, Avra appears through-out Kamera No.37 in various poses in and out this tub and around the boudoir.

June Palmer – Highlighted Curves (Original)

A beautiful shot of June with the lighting from one side highlighting her ample bosom and curves. A perfect shot from every angle and thanks to John for the original shot and it needed a bit of tidying up as lots of scratches on this one, but came up well.


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

Just Wild About Eva! (Original)

Eva Wild  – A play on her name in the title and also if you look closely she’s a very natural girl down below, but cleverly hidden by the shadows! Great original shot from Kevin’s collection of Harrison Marks negatives, with more great shots still to come!

A Golden June (Original)

This shot is another original from the M B collection and I’m a bit undecided on this one! As well as some fantastic original shots of June, he also played around with coloured filters and this was one such shot. The original after some tidying is the golden red version, which works, but I then converted it to sepia, which also works!  At first I hated the golden/red one, but the more I look at it the more it grows on me, plus having June as the main subject helps! I think both work for this shot, but what do you think?

Original Version

Sepia Version


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

Cover Girl Featuring Erica (Video)

I thought I’d try and do a video for a change and found this little beauty over on VEF with several other gems!
This is ‘Cover Girl’ (Film No.102) from 1960 featuring Erica in her only 8mm film appearance for Harrison Marks. It’s missing the opening credits, but is complete apart from that and is very good quality considering it’s age, but no sound on this one as I haven’t had time to add any. I’ll leave you to add your own sound effects! What else to say about this film other than letting you watch it? Well not only does it feature Erica and her fantastic body in all it’s glory, but also features Pamela Green, the man himself Harrison Marks and a brief appearance of Jean Spaul. You also get a look behind the scenes at the Gerrard Street studio and last but not least Erica oiled up! Enjoy!