A quick update on some of the minor changes and tweaks I’ve been making to the site recently, nothing major just me fiddling 🙂
- All images posted now are 640 pixels in size both for members and non-members to reduce bandwidth and speed up loading. Members of course still get much larger images when the click on an image and of course no watermarks visible.
- I’ve tweaked the right hand menu:
- Resorted the order, as based on feedback and traffic the models section is by far the most popular, so moved up.
- Split out Galleries and Cine films into their own sections.
- Deleted individual models pages from the models menu.
- Included a new Cine Films menu that includes published cine films for both Harrison Marks and others plus June Palmer films (members only)
- A new Harrison Marks Cine Film database – A searchable database of GHM’s films for Kamera, Maximus Films and others. (Coming Soon!)
- Finally I’m experimenting with giving members the ability to download certain images in much larger size, plus maybe the odd film. Still working on this to see what’s possible and if I can set it up, but already done a few pages to see how popular it is. There may be a small admin charge to host the larger images and films for this if it works out?
That’s it really just minor stuff, but do let me know what you think and any feedback is always appreciated.
Wonder 🙂