A Dance With Diane James (1966)

Diane James another model I’ve missed off this blog until now by Harrison Marks on the Egyptian set. All photographs of Diane James by GHM were published in Kamera No.73, No.79 & No.85 and were from one shoot on the Egyptian Set, originally built for a four part series of GHM glamour films called ‘Favourites of the Pharaohs’ in which Diane stars as the dancer in Episode 2, ‘The Dance’. Diane did various other work in the UK and I have several other original negatives of her posing in the studio by other photographers, both professional and amateur. Other than that there seems to be very little in the way of published magazine articles featuring Diane, unless of course she went by another name?

This particular shot is direct from the negative, but the printed version appeared in Kamera No.73 P46 (1966), which also includes another 5 very nice shots of her posing on the Egyptian set.

Nancy Roberts – Prim & Not So Proper! (Original)

Another great shot of Nancy Roberts posing by the sofa in a very interesting set of themed panties, this time combing her hair. This restored silver gelatin photo was sent over from Girlymag, and other shots posted so far from this set can be seen here. 

The Knifes Are Out For Eva! – Carnival Magazine

Eva Nieman (Neilson) from the pages of Carnival Magazine (April 196?) sporting a very nice pair of anchor panties! Since identifying Eva as a Harrison Marks model she now seems to be popping up everywhere! Not that I’m complaining as I’ve got quite a thing for this perky little blonde in pigtails!

Calling All June Palmer Fans! (Original)

The fabulous June Palmer by Harrison Marks posing in the bed in one of the bedrooms at Ewhurst Manor. June has posed in this bed with the distinctive headboard before as have many other models including Dawn Grayson, some of which you can see here. A great action pose of a topless June answering the phone and I’d love to be on the other end of that phone or even better in that bed with her!

Is It Rosemary or Alana? – Mayfair Vol.11 No.9 (1976)

Alana Ford better known as Rosemary England from Mayfair Vol.11 No.9 (Sept 1976). I’m a big fan of Rosemary but up until now have never posted anything on here of her, but a fan recently asked if I had anything, so revisited my collection of her and came up with this from Mayfair of her. It has to be one of my favourite sets published of her and I particular like the last centrefold shot of her as Mayfair’s Girl of The Month. A beautifully shaped woman with a hell of a body and thick lush bush that was so popular in the 1970’s.

Rosemary posed on more than one occasion with Mary Millington and there is an actual legitimate reason for her to be on this blog. She appeared in the color Climax film No.1429 – Arabian Knights (1979) produced by Harrison Marks and it is one of the only films in which she actually does hardcore, with the help of Nikki Stanton 🙂 Incidentally a further link is that an older and larger Annette Johnson also appeared in the film as another of the 7 females in the Harem, although I don’t believe she was involved in the hardcore part of the film.

Pamela Green – An All Round Rear View (Original)

The seventh shot from the spectacular set of Pamela Green posing in the bath for Harrison Marks surrounded by mirrors! I just love the curves and beautiful round arse of Pam as she stands soaping herself down in the bath. Plus you again get a front and rear view of those curves at the same time thanks to the reflection in the mirror. I’ve now published 7 out of 8 of the Pamar slides from this ‘Bath Set‘, so only one left to go plus an original black and white medium format shot thanks to Kevin.

Lena Ellis – A Petite Pose (Original)

The Petite framed Lena Ellis posing in the studio from a restored 35mm slide. Unfortunately this was originally a colour slide, but the colours were very badly degraded and I was unable to recover them, so a quick conversion to black and white and we still have a great shot of Lena to share. Lena was one of those mid sixties models that was on the slender side, not big in the bosom department, but a nice small perky pair all the same.

Thanks to Paul from Firebird Records for the original copy of this slide 🙂

Jutting Jutka (Original)

A topless Jutka Goz by Harrison Marks posing on a bed in a nice pair of blue panties. One from my own collection of negatives and posted following a discussion about Rusty Gaynor and boob jobs, in which member Driver also suggesting that maybe Jutka had hers done as well? Well having examined my Jutka collection up close and in detail I’d say hers were natural looking at the above shot as evidence. They seem to be quite firm but naturally hanging to me, but my god she does have a nice pair on display and as I’ve commented in other posts a cracking pair of nipples!

The things I have to do for my members in the name of research 🙂