The Very Tempting Toni Rees (Original)

The very tempting figure of Toni Rees from a restored silver gelatin photo. What a fabulous curvy body she had and such an innocent smile as she stands there flaunting her beautiful tits and body to the camera. Another top quality print sent over from Girlymag

How To Take Glamour Studies!

A shot from a series of articles by Harrison Marks from back in the 1950’s on how to take glamour shots. These articles were original published back in Foto magazine and came as 14 different studies across the publication. Now thanks to Yak over on the Official Pamela Green website, they have been loving restored and compiled into a 67 page booklet.

If you’d like a copy why not head over to the site and sign up to it’s mailing list and get a full free copy. I already have my copy 🙂

Margaret Nolan – Sunny Days (Original)

What better way to start the week than with a glorious shot of Margaret Nolan doing a spot of nude sunbathing on the front lawn at Ewhurst Manor taken by Harrison Marks. As the weather seems to be turning nice in the UK this week, one can only dream of seeing such bathing beauties on the front lawns near me!

Thanks to Kevin for this superb shot of Margaret 🙂

The Delicious Diane Webber

A stunning natural view of the delicious Diane Webber taken during her naturist period, where she regularly posed naked and at one with nature in magazines such as Nudist Living and Modern Sunbathing. Whether it was a glamour or naturist publication Diane was a pleasure to see, especially if her natural bush was on full view as it is here 🙂

Lorraine Burnett – A Multitude of Looks! (Original)

Lorraine Burnett with long blonde hair/wig from Visart Glamorama set No.56, which consisted of 8 prints of Lorraine in various poses such as this. Lorraine seems to have gone through a multitude of different looks and hair colour in her career from brunette to redhead to short blonde to long blonde as in this shot. I actually like her in this shot as the long curls suit her, but she still has that pout!

Sylvia Bayo – The Only Way To Play Snooker!

Sylvia Bayo and friend playing topless snooker on the cover of Parade (22nd May 1971) and definitely the only way for girls with assets like that to play snooker! I recently saw a copy of this cover over on Sylvia’s thread on VEF, so thought I’d dig out my copy as it’s about time we had some more Sylvia! Anyone know the other model on the cover?